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Welcome Families & Friends!

Oak Peak Educational Consulting was designed for the purpose of

helping and advocating for parents to assist in their times of need.

We specialize in four main areas:

  1. Youth in crisis: Over several years of professional networking, we have established relationships with premiere residential treatment facilities that provide the most recent scientific and research-based therapeutic modalities and programming. It is our job to help alleviate the stress and pressures of the parent(s)/guardian(s) as we walk through this process together. 

  2. Special Education: We offer consulting on the IEP process and the law of IDEA.

  3. 504's: We offer consulting as it pertains to the eligibility and accommodations of the 504 process and the law of ADA.

  4. Parent Advocacy: The IEP and 504 process can be complex. For a parent, it is sometimes difficult to grasp that your child has a disability. As a parent of an IEP student, I am sure you remember the emotions and feelings that went through your mind and heart the first time you heard your child has a disability. In that same meeting, you were given a substantial amount of data and information that determined the eligibility of your child. Most parents don't remember all of that data and information. It is our mission to educate parents on the IEP and 504 process so you can better advocate for your child's services and needs.

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